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Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will

Mar 26, 2019

When we share stories, whether in our personal or business lives, how we share them makes a difference in how we remember them, and in how we’re perceived by the people we’re sharing them with.

Think about a story a stranger recently told you; what did that story say about the person sharing it? Did it demonstrate...

Mar 19, 2019

My friend Marietta Gentles Crawford wrote a book on the topic, From Nine to Thrive, and I highly recommend it if you want to dig into this theme more deeply.

I describe personal brand as:

What people say about you and think about you when you’re not around.

When I have an opportunity to share my thoughts on this topic...

Mar 12, 2019

Marylene Delbourg-Delphis doesn’t see risk the same way most people might define it. To her, it’s all about how prepared you are for whatever step you intend to take, the people you’ve surrounded yourself with and trust to take that step with you, and your ability to address uncertainty at any...

Mar 5, 2019

I was introduced to Bill Fox, who lives in Estonia, by a woman who lives here in Helena, Montana, who was introduced to Bill by her husband, who worked with Bill at some point in Washington DC.

So many things had to happen for us to have met, and statistically, it was highly unlikely. And yet...

These days, when a...