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Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will

Jan 26, 2021

What is it that triggers an "ah ha" moment, what is it that takes a moment from obscurity to clarity?

For JD Gerschbein, it was the combination of his experience in healing, as a child of a physician and as a medical student, and the desire to provide practical guidance for people to improve their potential in career...

Jan 19, 2021

Have you ever interviewed or been interviewed by someone with your name? Boy can that feel strange and awkward.

This conversation with Sarah Johnston was anything but awkward. She dropped some insights here that kept my brain in gear and spinning for days afterward.

This woman is absolutely compelled to improve life for...

Jan 12, 2021

I met Michelle Y. Talbert via LinkedIn years ago, when I was first building my network. I was intrigued by her podcast Her Power Hustle, and was immediately inspired by her honesty and integrity in the work she did.

quote from podcast with Michelle TalberyWe reconnected in late 2020 and when I asked her to be a guest on my podcast, I was honored when she...

Jan 5, 2021

We know instinctively that nothing significantly changes overnight based on an arbitrary calendar date. And yet, we still find a way to optimistically celebrate December 31st and January 1st as if something magical will happen and we’ll wake up with:

  • A different news feed
  • The motivation to change our eating...